At Grammar #2, we recognize parents as a child’s first educator—you are the most important part of your child's education. When you join the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), you will make a difference for good and show your child that you care about education.
PTA Mission
To work for the benefit of EVERY child at Grammar #2.
We Want You!
Let’s all work together to support our students, our teachers, and our school. Giving of your time, talent, and ability will provide benefits for all of our children.
There are many ways you can help, from volunteering at PTA-sponsored activities to wrangling paperwork. There really is something for everyone. So come on out and get involved in the PTA—because we’re better together.
Membership is $10 per family each school year. Please complete the membership form and return it to the school together with your payment of $10.
PTA Officers
We'll announce our new PTA officers for the 2022–2023 school year soon.
Have you heard about the Box Tops for Education program? Did you know that the program has gone digital? Even though the program has gone digital, you can still turn in any clipped Box Tops you have left for credit for the school. You can also scan your receipts for credit for up to 14 days from the date of purchase.
Did you know that you can support our school with the Box Top program without doing much of a change at all? By utilizing Amazon Smile, you can do your regular shopping online, and we get small donations. To see the process for scanning your Box Tops and using Amazon Smile, please see the Box Tops App Kickoff Letter and the Non-Box Top Fundraising Letter below.
Meeting Schedule
Watch for meeting announcements in our school newsletter.
Let's Connect
"Like" Grammar #2 PTA on Facebook!